Sunday, February 1, 2009

Bakasana Vinyasa Sequence

Get Slimmer In Sixty Days With Yoga - Galavasana - Click here for more amazing videos
So I pulled out my Shiva Rea teacher training manual this morning and I have decided that today I would practice the bakasana vinyasa sequence (advanced variations). I love practicing tripod headstand, as many of you may already well know, but moving from tripod to various arm balances is not something I try very often. As I evolve in my practice I understand how important it is to face fear directly with a smooth breath and intelligence in my whole body. Therefore I will be attempting to practice the sequence with a spirit of playfulness and dedication. This video shows going from tripod to galavasana. Pretty cool stuff I must say.
I don't think Shiva would mind if I post the sequence here.
Here is the sequence:
Peak Pose: Bakasana
Movement Meditation: OM with movements of Prana
Namaskar Opening Wave: Classical Surya Namaskar + Surya A & B or Rhythmic Vinyasa B + Dancing Warrior I
Core Cultivation Wave: Yogic Bicycle, Lolasana, Tripod Headstand and Variations, Sirsasana

Solar Wave One: Bakasana from tripod, connecting vinyasa, down dog to down dog split, triangle, half moon, side angle, ardha hanumanasana, lunge, eka pada bakasana, connecting vinyasa

Solar Wave Two: Galavasana from tripod **(See Video)**, connecting vinyasa, down dog to down dog split, crescent pose w/reverse arms to parivrtta parsvokasana, lunge transition, hanamanasana, eka pada bakasana, ardha titthibasana to eka pada koundinyasana jump back to connecting vinyasa

Solar Wave Three: Revolved chair to side crow from tripod, connecting vinyasa, down dog to down dog split, parivrtta trikonasana, parivrtta adrha chandrasana w/ quad opening, lunge transition, hanamanasana w/ twist to lunge, seated twist, dwi pada koundinyasa, end wave

Solar Wave Four: Urdhva Dhanurasana to ustrasana to Kapotasana

Counterpose Wave: Supine twist, supine pigeon, supta parivrtta padangusthasana

Inversion Cycle Wave: shoulder stand and cycle

Closing: prana mudra, savasana

I've done this vinyasa sequence with Coral Brown but I don't remember it very well. It is very different to practice yoga when someone else is teaching. When I am the teacher I have to think a lot more about.....well just a lot...I don't want to discuss this right now.

I'll let everyone know how this practice goes. I am looking forward to my adventure!!

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