Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Jim Bennitt is coming to Memphis!

Jim Bennitt is coming to Midtown Yoga Jan 23 - 25! I plan to go to this great workshop. You can visit his website at http://www.jimbennitt.com/homepage.html. He has a really awesome video on this site that shows him practicing and discussing tantric hatha yoga.
I am praying that I can begin a teacher training at Midtown Yoga. I am waiting to hear whether or not Brad and I will be laid off from our jobs at Southwest. If we are not laid off, I will begin the teacher training at Midtown. Otherwise, I will continue in the teacher training at Breathe. I leave this in God's hands now. After all, I am not my own. I want to follow only what God puts in place for me. I have to admit this is not always an easy task. I feel excited about starting the teacher training at Midtown, but I simply cannot allow my feelings to overpower sound thinking. So, I will wait, pray, and wait some more.

I have had an extremely wonderful holiday season. Today Brad and I did yoga together at Mary's class. She is and always will be my first real yoga teacher. Brad and I then went to see Valkerie at the Paridisio Theatre. We had such a great time.
Tonight we played a game with the girls and we all laughed and laughed and laughed. Here are the rules of the game: One person puts their head down while everyone else counts to 10. At the last count the person with their head down has to look up and try not to smile. If they smile, then they loose the game and everyone else gets to laugh and say, " We got You!!" Even Brad couldn't hold a straight face. (But I must admit he held a long face for awhile before his grin broke loose.) I'm sure it is not unusual for most kids around the world to end up with the giggles just before bedtime. Well, our kid's are no exception and neither am I (sometimes). This game can be good for the soul when played right before bedtime. If you haven't tried this game..do try it.

I hope all my readers have had a fabulous holiday season and that it continues. I also hope that Christ's love and peace and presence fills your life abundantly.

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