Saturday, May 17, 2008

Our newest family member: Chi Chi

Today is a glorious, bright, and beautiful day! As I was leaving yoga today I saw puppies for sale. Anyone who knows me very well knows that I have been looking for a small house dog to add to our family. Well, I found one that I just fell in love with! She is a full-blooded chihuahua who was born on March 11, 2008. Brad named her Chi Chi! She is a sweet girl! I took her with me today in my purse when I went to the hair salon. It was just too cool!
I am so happy!
I can hardly wait for my two precious angels to get to meet her.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Hello Rosemarie,

Chi Chi is adorable, a beautiful addition to your family. I hope you, Brad and the girls have a wonderful Memorial Day!

