Saturday, March 7, 2009

Pungu Kukkutasana

Pungu Kukkutasana, known as side rooster is part of the fourth series in the Ashtanga tradition. I plan to work on this posture this morning in my 10:30 am class at SASY.
Here's how to get into the posture:
From downdog, jump into your headstand on an inhale. Fold the legs into
lotus, lower and swing off to the right with an exhale so the left thigh is on
the outside of the upper right arm. Lift up and balance on an inhale. Take
5 breaths. Drishti = nose.

Inhale as you place the head to the floor and re-enter headstand (staying
in lotus). Exhale as the lotus swings to the left. Inhale head up to balance
on the second side. To exit, inhale back up to headstand, legs straighten.
Exhale down into chaturanga on an and on to downdog.

My favorite yoga teacher, Grace, always says "there's always a place to go in yoga". Even though I may not get into the full posture today, I can take the steps to get there. I can work on getting into lotus from headstand. I can work on lowering slowly from lotus in headstand and then lifting back up into full headstand. I can work on lifting my head up from headstand. There are always cool places to go. It is nice to have a vision and then just spend time working from right where I am today. I love using the breath to guide me.

Benefits of this pose: strengthens arms, wrists, core. Helps create flexibility in the knees, hips, and if the pose is not completely accessible, in the heart.

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