Monday, March 9, 2009

Hip Hip Hooray!

I have been trying and trying and trying to kick up into handstand at the wall. I have been so frustrated that I couldn't do it when I went to a class that had all ages and shapes and everyone kicked right up into handstand. There was even an older women probably in her sixties and even she could do it, but I couldn't. This happened about 3 months ago. Since then I have been working on handstand. Today it just happened magically. I just flew right up with out much effort at all. It felt quite natural actually. I ran around my house going "Hurray!! I did it" My 3 year old daughter said "mommy you are being too loud". But I was really excited.

Here's how I got there:
I worked on getting my shoulders more on my back by drawing my shoulder blades down and in and externally rotation my arms. I did this a lot in downdog, elbow dog, sirsasana 1, and pretty much every asana that I could. I tried kicking up at the wall vigourously. I started doing handstand in a doorway. (I think this was the best for me so that I could get my hips in the right position.) And I never gave up. That is the beauty of yoga. Those things that seem impossible are possible with practice.

Today is a good day for me. It marks yet another indicator that perseverance and proper guidance from a well-trained yoga teacher and of course connecting mind, body and breath has amazing results!

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