Saturday, May 10, 2008

About Motherhood

Being a mom is a difficult job. It is also surprisingly joyous. My two girls are like precious angels, gifts from God. On occasion it is utterly important for me to use discipline as a tool of love. My youngest, Cheyenne, ends up in time out a lot these days. Deep down, though, I think she really wants the time out. She has difficulty handling her emotions and expressing them so the time out really helps her to regroup, calm down, and finally ask to be forgiven for her bad behavior.
Sometimes I wish God would come down from heaven and tell me to go stand in the corner for 'time out', especially when I am running on self-will instead of God's will.
These are things that I learn from being a mom.
Happy Mother's day to all the mom's out there.

1 comment:

Marischen said...

AWESOME! We can learn a lot about ourselves from observing children. I think God does give us time-outs, but we don't always recognize them.

Much love!

Mary L.